Pockets Productions is proud to offer an exciting new book series for children featuring The Earth-Guards Adventure Team. This is a 16-book series of adventure stories. Each book contains lovely four-color illustrations and accompanying music CD for kids to learn and sing-a-long with. The Earth-Guards Adventure Team is a new generation of young superheroes dedicating to righting the toxic wrongs….one dirty guy at a time. The mission of Pockets Productions is to inspire kids to think outside of the box in solving local and global issues. The characters presented provide role models for children as each character embodies a different set of talents and attributes. Every young reader can find a character to identify with. Plus, with written word, illustrations and music, there is a medium that can reach every child who enters the Earth-Guards’ world.

The Earth-Guards Adventure Team titles appeal to ages 6 – 10, but readers young and old enjoy the titles. All kids, young and old, can enjoy these books whether they are being read to or read alone. ( or something to the fact that you will enjoy it even if you have to read it to your kid or grandkid….)



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